If you’re trying to create a bilingual home, while also wanting to use Christian resources as much as possible, this list is for you. This collection of music and literature focuses on Christ and promotes easy language acquisition. With the music, you don’t even need to have a great accent for reading Spanish! We use and love all this music and the listed Bible storybook in our home.
Preguntas con Respuestas (Catecismo)
We love Songs for Saplings in English, since it’s a super-easy and fun way to teach your kids basics about the Christian faith. (Who made you? God!) Now Songs for Saplings is available in Spanish, as well. It’s currently one of my favorite resources for teaching toddler and baby Spanish while simultaneously teaching them a (Protestant) catechism. You can buy the physical CD so you can play it in your car, get free downloads from Songs for Saplings, or listen for free if you have a subscription to Amazon Music. (HERE you can get a free trial to Amazon’s Music unlimited program.)
Biblia para niños, Historias de Jesús / The Jesus Storybook Bible: Cada historia susurra su nombre
We use the bilingual version linked to above for morning Bible stories with our toddler, but it’s also available in Spanish only if you want larger print. (See link below.) I love how every story points to Christ. And although some of the stories are long for babies, I’ve been using it to teach my baby Spanish since he was only 1. (He’s now a couple years older, and we still use it regularly.) If you prefer The Beginner’s Bible (which as a child I called the bug-eyed Bible because of how all the characters’ eyes were drawn!), you can get that in Spanish as well, right HERE.
16 Melodias Biblicas Para Ninos
A friend told me that this one of Steve Green’s Scripture memory albums was available in Spanish, and I was thrilled to find it. Music makes Scripture much easier to memorize!
Cantos Biblicos / Cantos Biblicos con Accion / Cantos de Alabanza / Himnos
VBS-style kids music from Cedarmont Kids. Numerous CDs are available, so check the collection out online. My toddler loves it, and I’ve enjoyed hearing songs from my own childhood in a different language.
Sovereign Grace Music: La Salvación es del Señor OR El Dios Que Adoramos
Sovereign Grace’s music is so beautiful, in English or Spanish, that we often keep it playing in our home. It’s not specifically for kids, but helps keep worshipful Spanish influences alive in the house! Expect to hear your child randomly singing alabanzas a Dios.
Again, you can listen to this for free by using your free trial to Amazon Music Unlimited.
Oraciones de la Biblia para la Hora de Acostarse
This book is particularly helpful if you struggle with praying in Spanish. I’ve improved greatly over the past 3 years, but this book helped give me a start with praying in Spanish for my child. While it’s not perfect (I prefer more accurate Bible story retellings), it is a very helpful resource that I used OFTEN when J was an infant.
Le Canto
Kari Jobe’s voice is wonderful for getting a baby to sleep! Her songs are soothing, and although she’s not a native Spanish speaker, her accent is great. If you’re looking for native Spanish singers, try Marcela Gandara’s Mas Qué Un Anhelo or Jesús Adrian Romero’s El Aire de Tu Casa. For learning theology, I prefer the Sovereign Grace music. But these singers are all also incredibly gifted, and their music is peaceful and worshipful.
Additional Resources for Teaching Your Bilingual Toddler or Baby Spanish:
Some of these are Christian resources; some are simply bilingual or Spanish resources that will help you create a bilingual home.
Question Workbook for 1-10 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism:
Christian Book Distributors has an entire collection of Christian-based kids’ materials. (Go to this page on their website: Spanish Kids’ Resources.) I encourage you to scroll through the collection, especially since they frequently have great sales.
Any of the following articles:
30 Essentials for a Bilingual Children’s Library (Spanish/English)
21 Bilingual Board Books for Your Baby (Spanish/English)
Resources I Use to Make a Bilingual Home for My Baby
100 Easy Spanish Phrases to Use with Your Baby
Enjoy! And please share in the comments if you have other Christian resources for teaching your baby Spanish that you love! I’m always looking for reliable and well-made resources!