A short-and-sweet mini review of Raising Critical Thinkers: A Parent‘s Guide to Growing Wise Kids in the Digital Age, by Julie Bogart.
How can we raise critical thinkers in an age saturated with over-information and misinformation? How can we ourselves become critical thinkers? Furthermore, how can we notice when we or others are not reliable narrators? Julie Bogart answers these questions and more in Raising Critical Thinkers.
“It takes self-control to be a critical thinker,” writes Julie Bogart. She points out that we listen to and read new information with pre-existing biases. These ‘glasses’ that we wear make us resistant, bored, or even angry when we read an opposing point of view. She teaches us how to see our own biases, evaluate the information presented, and make informed decisions. Just as importantly, she shows us how to do this without detesting others who hold opposing views. If we can learn to spot our inconsistencies, we can teach our children to identify those of others. This is a vital skill in the Internet Age.
Bogart tailors various exercises for creative thinking to three different age groups (“bright-eyed” youngsters, “quick-witted” middle grades, and “nimble-minded” teens). The age adaptations make this book good to have on hand as you raise children from elementary years through high school. She teaches how to read across genres to gain a more accurate view of history in the teen years and beyond. (“Library of variety.”)
I was interested by her view (based on the studies of others) that students who have trained themselves to do well on multiple choice exams have also trained themselves to ignore divergent thinking.
Favorite Quotes from Raising Critical Thinkers
“As a result (of Internet use) we learn to remember where to find the information more than we remember the information itself.” (Ch. 8)
“Just as writing makes thought visible, experience makes learning visible.” (Ch. 9)
“We like the illusion of shared certainty.” (ch. 13, “The Courage to Change Your Mind”)
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