A short-but-sweet review of Modern Miss Mason: Discover How Charlotte Mason’s Revolutionary Ideas on Home Education Can Change How You and Your Children Learn and Grow Together, by Leah Boden. This book is a beautiful, approachable, and MODERN introduction to Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy.

Modern Miss Mason is a lovely, inspiring read for those who are interested in using Charlotte Mason’s principles to educate their children but are either not sure how to begin or simply not sure how to bring Mason’s educational philosophy to the current century. If you’re plunged into the world of Charlotte Mason and suddenly hear people talk about “born persons” and “living books,” it’s helpful to have definitions. Modern Miss Mason helps readers out with some of these definitions. For example, Boden elaborates on the concept of children being “born persons,” entrusted to us as their guides and guardians. She explains Mason’s desire that we not force children into a mold that doesn’t fit them. Boden also speaks eloquently on the need for community.
In Modern Miss Mason, readers find encouragement to do what works for their families rather than recreating Victorian classrooms, and to look for their “why” for home education and then cling to that rather than their own doubt-filled “inner inspector.” Boden’s is a gentle, encouraging voice for any home educator, whether experienced or an overwhelmed newbie.
My Personal Notes:
I appreciated that Mrs. Boden urges parents to ask one another for tips on diverse and age-appropriate “living books.” Some online sources claim that we must use all of the same books Mason once used. While I love Charlotte Mason’s principles, I cannot agree with that perspective. So much history has taken place since Mason’s death! The original PNEU booklists feel very British-centric, but we can easily change that by accessing the vast number of beautiful and diverse books published in the last 75 years or so.
I listened to the audio edition of this book. The author’s clear British accent enchanted me and made me feel as though I sat in her living room listening to her! And I have to add that this book’s beautiful cover design is probably my favorite design of 2023!
For Further Reading after Modern Miss Mason:
Looking for other book recommendations but don’t have a lot of time for extended reviews? Read more of my mini reviews here. Interested in reading more modern, brief works about Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy? Try Susan Schaeffer Macaulay’s For the Children’s Sake.
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