When the doorbell rang this afternoon and a box full of three free replacement packages of diapers from The Honest Company arrived, I knew I had to write a review of the company. An honest review, to fit their name.
I had several reasons for deciding to try out Honest diapers.
1)I was very excited about their advertisement of being fragrance-free and chemical-free. I mean, check out this description:
- Super-absorbent core with fluff pulp harvested from sustainably managed forests
- Made without chlorine processing or chemical bleaches
- Simply pure — made without latex, fragrances or lotions
- Ultra-soft plant-based (PLA) inner and outer layer — gentle on your baby’s bottom
- Naturally derived odor blockers from citrus and chlorophyll
- Bio-based wheat / corn blend in super-absorbent core, with less sodium polyacrylate
Baby J has an almost-immediate reaction (rash) to the fragrances on some of the cheapest diapers (yes, that’s you, Luvs, as much as I like the way you smell and fit). So I am always looking for ways to keep his bottom safe.
2) A friend told me about a BOGO deal on the diapers that was only for that month.
In addition, if we ordered through her link we gave her money for diapers. I liked the Buy One Get One idea for sure, and I wanted her to get all the diaper credit she could–she has three kids, two of whom are in diapers full-time right now. (By the way, you can give us diaper credit, too, if you order through this link as a new customer. And then, you’ll get your own code for getting Honest money!)
3) I’ve been wanting to try Honest products for a while. Hey, I like the name! And the patterns are adorable.
I was so excited to put the first cute little diaper on my baby boy’s bum. (Don’t you love that alliteration?) It had the cutest, most boyish pattern of trains on it.
And it was awful. Seriously, my guy still poops as often as a newborn. We go through a lot of diapers every day. And on these train diapers, the diaper was coming apart on his body. The back of the sticky tag was pulling off the back of the diaper, which meant within a few minutes of him rolling around, we had a one-sided diaper. (I’d provide a picture, except one day he might not appreciate a picture like that existing on the WWW.) Dirty diaper=huge mess. Not to mention, this chemical-free diaper had a strange chemical smell.
I was so discouraged. I cancelled my subscription, wrote a complaint, and tried to use up the rest of that package. I had a lot more patterns to try. Anchors, storm clouds, and whales, here we come.
Guess what? Every single other pattern was just fine! The diapers smelled clean, they stayed on, they fit his body snugly. I love them! I’d gotten the diaper-wipes bundle, and I loved the wipes, as well. They were strong, fragrance-free, and very low-mess.
The Happy Ending
About a week ago, I got a call from a number I didn’t recognize. I almost didn’t answer the phone, but then changed my mind because the last unknown number I answered was a magazine editor who needed photos for a story I’d written for her. I’m so glad I accepted the call! A very friendly Honest representative was on the line. She got all the details of the “bad diapers,” and said she was going to have someone track where my packages had been manufactured because quality control is so important to them. She apologized profusely and asked if I was happy with the other prints. Yes, of course. These are my favorite diapers, not only for their designs and fit, but also for their attempt at avoiding chemicals.
“How much does your baby weigh?” she asked me. I told her, wondering where this was going.
“I just wanted to make sure he still fits a size 3,” she said. “We will be sending you replacements for all the diapers that didn’t work for you. What is your favorite print?”
So now I have 3 packages of storm cloud diapers, ready to put on the child who fills my heart with his cuddles and drains my bank account with his bathroom habits.
I think I will be making more orders in the future!
P.S. This post was NOT sponsored in any way by The Honest Company (or I might not have been able to mention the malfunctioning packages of diapers). However, you can help a sister out with ordering more fragrance-free diapers by ordering through a new account after clicking on THIS LINK to The Honest Company! Photo courtesy of The Honest Company.
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