Last month my favorite read was Behind the Ranges: The Life-Changing Story of J. O. Fraser, by Geraldine Taylor. Here is my short-and-sweet summary.
My first thought upon reading Behind the Ranges? I have never before read a biography that so inspired me to pray. Fraser’s utter dependence on prayer to accomplish God’s work in God’s way reminds us all that even if we are not on the mission field we can faithfully support the pioneer work of God through prayer. (Quotes from his letters to his prayer circle emphasized this truth.)
I found it interesting to see how Fraser grew in knowledge, whether or not he noticed it. Early on, he read of Charles Finney’s methods and was convinced to use whatever “means” he could to produce converts. But as he matured and watched an actual work of God among the Lisu tribe in China, where hundreds who never saw a missionary came to Christ as the gospel spread, his writing changed. “Who put that “want-to” in their hearts? If they are not God’s chosen, God’s elect, who are they?” (p. 302) He stood in awe of God’s incredible power in saving a beautiful tribe of people from enslavement to demons (they fearfully practiced demon-worship).
Yes, a biography such as this gives us a person we can imitate insofar as he imitated Christ. But most of all, it calls us to deny self and trust in the God who alone can change hearts of stone to hearts of flesh.
Favorite Quote from Behind the Ranges:
“It has come home to me very forcibly of late that it matters little what the work is in which we are engaged, so long as God has put it into our hands; the faithful doing of it is of no greater importance in one case than in another.” (p. 36)
J. O. Fraser
Looking for something to read? Check out my other mini book reviews to help decide what’s worth your time.
I’m always collecting book recommendations. Do you have a favorite missionary biography you think I should read? Thanks, Kasi, for this recommendation!