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Furman: Glimpses of Grace

A mini review of Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home, by Gloria Furman.

Gloria Furman writes about resting in the truth of the gospel as we live in the mundane in Glimpses of Grace. (This is one of Mrs. Furman’s older books, published in 2013.) Her humility as she confesses her own sin even while calling us to pursue righteousness is convicting and inspiring. I saw myself so many times in these pages, starting from the story about scrubbing her husband’s dried-up smoothie cup while muttering and complaining. Service with a wrong heart attitude is not service “unto the Lord.” 

Mrs. Furman’s writing is always a call to live faithfully and to rejoice in the hope of the gospel. Jesus lived a perfect life on our behalf, died for our sin, and intercedes for us even now. Therefore we can live in hope even when we come face to face with our own sin, homemaking mistakes, and the pain that fills our fallen world.

Favorite Quotes from Glimpses of Grace:

“Living in the reality of the gospel means the difference between complaining to others about something that annoys us and rejoicing in the Lord’s faithfulness to his name.” 

“…your home [doesn’t need] to be perfect by the world’s standards or even by your own personal standards, but consecrated by God’s standards.”

“Christianity would have you submit to God so that he can give you contentment in him.”

I read two of Gloria Furman’s other books last year, and you can read a paragraph about each of them in my booklist for 2021.

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